'Back Off' taillight kit....help!

So this little 'back off' thing has four wires, which need to be wired into the brake light switch...at least that's my understanding. The directions said to go back at least 6" from light itself...if that's the case, I haven't a clue how to do that, b/c my taillight wires seem quite short and tucked in there to the point where I can't gain access.

Does anyone know of a video of someone putting one of these on an Fz1?

Any help would be appreciated.

Chad, in order to trace back those wires, you'd have to lift out the tool tray as they run under it. I ended up unbolting the tail and sliding off all of the plastics to gain easy access. I think you have to unbolt the rear fender assembly too but I never tried just the body panels.

Thanks bro. I Just gave it a go..took out the 3 screws holding the casing in where the tools sit, and that dang thing isn't going anywhere...I couldn't get it to budge a bit! so ure saying I need to take off the 4 bolts from the tie down pieces, then the 3 or whatever bolts that hold the plastic to the frame? will I then have access to what I Need and/or get that tool holder to move?

Thanks a ton.

'01 Fz1
I'm getting the Back Off Wig Wag this weekend for my 03 FZ1. I'm curious how your installation is going. Any tips? It sounds like the brake light wires are embedded in the tail pieces.