Atgatt shmatgatt

Yea, I know. Hemet, gloves, shorts and a Tee don't quite cut it. But my sister came down last weekend and we rode all over southern Florida trying to find her a condo for a second home. She's a good sport, my sister. I think she dug the ride except caught sight of the speedo at one point and pounded on my shoulder to slow down.

At least a leather vest with fringe. That fringe must really help. I've seen many HD riders wear it in place of even a helmet.

OK, I admit I'll take a ride now and then in shorts and t-shirt too. I've even taken a short trip through my little podunk town and let the wind blow the sweat outta my hair after a long ride.

Everyone has the right to choose their own level of risk. I'll wear a helmet 99.9% of the time, but I'll fight helmet laws. (I don't even see the seatbelt law as right. Just because it's a good idea doesn't mean it should be a law! And saving money isn't a reason either) oops, what's that can lid doing on the floor, and where did all those worms come from?

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Everyone has the right to choose their own level of risk. I'll wear a helmet 99.9% of the time, but I'll fight helmet laws. (I don't even see the seatbelt law as right. Just because it's a good idea doesn't mean it should be a law! And saving money isn't a reason either) oops, what's that can lid doing on the floor, and where did all those worms come from?

Since you opened the can: Would your opinion be the same if your country had a public healthcare system that was funded by tax dollars?
Since you opened the can: Would your opinion be the same if your country had a public healthcare system that was funded by tax dollars?

That's easy, if you choose to not wear a helmet, you forfeit any head trauma care being payed for. You make the choice, you assume the risk and cost.

Sorry to even start this again, I started typing and should have stopped with the leather fringe. Looking good in Florida, Norm. I hope you are well and wearing that glory X-12. How is it? Does your sister ride? Did she get a ride on the FZ1? You have me wanting a Connie 14 now too, damn it.

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That's easy, if you choose to not wear a helmet, you forfeit any head trauma care being payed for. You make the choice, you assume the risk and cost.

Sorry to even start this again, I started typing and should have stopped with the leather fringe. Looking good in Florida, Norm. I hope you are well and wearing that glory X-12. How is it? Does your sister ride? Did she get a ride on the FZ1? You have me wanting a Connie 14 now too, damn it.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

Doing OK. Coming up on the anniversary date of my son's death. It's gonna be tough. The helmet is great. I wear it almost exclusively now. My sister doesn't ride. She was a great passenger though. The whole pillion thing has to do with trust as my "Hostile Pillion" thread demonstrated. She trusts me. Bad judgement on her part, lol. We didn't get to ride the FZ1 together. The C14 is really a luxurious ride I have to admit. For me, at 54, it's much better for long trips than the FZ1. It's got a great suspension and it's so smooth it almost rides like a car.
Norm, we've been through this many times.... I wish you'd not forgo proper gear! I'm not concerned about YOUR riding skills, but where you are riding and the quality (or lack thereof) of THEIR driving skills.

Regarding that date... be strong. I know it will be very hard but do what you can to focus on the good times. Take care and lean on me if you need a voice at the other end of the line.
I too live in Florida, shorts and tee shirt are an everyday thing for me, and occasionally forgo the helmet. I say ride on. I always assume that person is going to pull out in front of me just to be on the safe side. I do have a Shoei RF1000 helmet with scala headset to communicate to the wife and other riding buddies.
this has nothing to do with the thread, but everything to do with the thread title. i keep reading the title and imagining that one of the droids in the droid army in star wars the phantom menace is saying it. it's cracking me up. doesn't take much these days i guess...

