Are FZ1 Aerodynamics Better than the FZ6?


I bought an '06 FZ6 last June as my first bike. After getting over the initial terror and thrill and getting some miles under my belt, I started to notice that my ears were suffering badly from turbulence. It is one windy bike. I'm 5'8" and have 1" x 1" bar-backs installed.

I tried trimming off the top 3 inches of the stock screen, and then a Givi touring screen. Lowering the stock screen makes it smoother, but my old fat body can't take the wind pressure on my chest & head for more than a couple of hours on the highway. The touring screen generates just as much turbulence as the stock screen. It sounds & feels like my head is getting paddled - the noise is being transmitted right through my skull as far as I can tell - my custom-made earplugs don't attenuate the low-freq noise much at all.

Anyway, for those of you who have tried the FZ6, is the FZ1 significantly better? I don't think I can keep this bike if I can't make it quieter - it's very unpleasant to ride for any distance. I was thinking of a FZ1 as a replacement as I really like everything else about the 6, but perhaps I'm being unrealistic given that these are semi-naked bikes.


I imagine the Gen I FZ1 wind protection would be very similar to the FZ6, but it seems to me that the Gen II FZ1 has less protection. It's been quite a while since I rode a Gen II so I can't remember but if you are looking for a huge windscreen, try I had a National Cycle screen on my Gen I FZ1 and it was quite good, the air would hit me about at eyebrow level for my 5'11" self. It was great to have in the winter because it kept the wind completely off your body & neck and kept me really warm.

Your earplugs are the custom-moulded ones? Are you wearing a full face? It seems strange you aren't able to ride comfortably on the FZ6 due to noise and wind... Perhaps something like a V-Strom or an ST1300 might be better suited for you if the taller screens won't work; they offer a LOT more wind protection.

I actually find touring/highway is much more comfortable on a naked bike as there is a lot less wind noise and turbulence without any protection.
I wear a full-face helmet and molded solid earplugs from Costco.

I would even try one of those ginormous Cal-Sci screens but they don't make them for pre-'07 FZ6's.

The 07's and later have a hole at the bottom apex of the screen that equalizes the pressure behind the screen and supposedly makes them somewhat quieter. I agree that naked is smoother. I guess I should give it a try for awhile and develop some core strength. Pretty chilly on a cold day tho...

At 5 8" you're not very tall so the FZ1 should work for you. I can't imagine the FZ6 would be that much different as far as wind protection goes as I've never sat on one. I however think that a change of bike is somewhat extreme for the problem you stated. I would think that they are other alternatives to make your 6 better, unless that's your excuse "wink wink" to the wife to get a more powerful bike :).
The member that goes by Lytehouse should be able to offer the most current comparison as she has both bikes in her stable. That being an FZ6 and a Gen II FZ1. Myself, I can tell you that at 5'11", I find the FZ, Gen II perfect for air flow. That said you should note that I have a Zero Gravity Sport Touring shield on my bike which much improved the airflow around my head. I don't normally wear ear plugs and do not find that to be a problem. I tried cheap throw away earplugs on a trip across the prairies and back (Calgary to Winnipeg to Calgary) and I couldn't even hear the bike with them in. I to wear a good full face helmet. Maybe in the spring we can meet up and you can give the FZ1 a whirl to compare.
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I'm 5'6" and I sometimes get some buffeting. I tried the Yamaha touring screen and I thought someone was smacking my head side to side. I cut it down to pretty much a fly screen and then ruined it. I really liked it for summer riding. The stock windscreen is OK. However, I lowered my handle bars as this allow me to tuck in on the hiways to get out of the wind. I have since purchased a Puig racing windscreen and it's better than the stock windscreen for me.
Thanks for the replies. I agree that getting a new bike just because of this problem is a little extreme - but there are lots of discussions about this in the FZ6 forum. Nobody seems to have it beat except those who chop the screen/go naked or get a freakishly large screen.

When looking at bikes that I actually like and that have some touring and commuting potential I keep coming back to the FZ6 and FZ1 - simply the most bike for the buck as far as I can tell.

My problem is that I have nothing to compare with. I don't mind a little wind but holy cow it seems like the older FZ6 was designed to generate turbulence right under the chin with the stock screen, and on the noggin with a touring screen. I think as a last resort for touring I'm going to install a laminar lip on the touring screen and maybe punch a pressure hole in the bottom.

Oldschool I might just take you up on your offer this Spring. Thanks!

I have both bikes and I am certainly glad that someone else confirms the wind beating by the FZ6 stock screen. I have been reading and lurking for months in an attempt to find a way to improve this situation. My 6 has the stock screen and the 1 has a Puig touring screen. Frankly, the Puig is only a small improvement. It is still rather "windy" but the head beating is reduced to a less noticeable amount. I am 6'1" and have a long waist so I sit pretty tall and there is no escape from the bumpy turbulence on the 6 unless I put my face in the gauges. This is not the most comfortable riding position for us older and well-nourished folk. If you decide to purchase a FZ1 be prepared for some REALLY different ride characteristics from the FZ6. For example: 0 to Reckless in first gear, then onto jail in second. Who needs the other fours gears? While I happy with both bikes, I wish the 1 handled like the 6.
I owned the older 2005 FZ6 and I can tell you that was the single worst one of the FZ models I've ridden. I ended up getting the taller screen for it. Then, I sold it to the member over there called Pondrat and bought the '08 FZ6. That was a better areo fit but still got the head banging so I put a Puig DB on it and solved most of the issues. Then, I traded that in for the 2009 FZ1. The stock screen for me at 5'10" was only bad when coming up behind large trucks and SUVs on the highway. In clean air, it was minimal buffeting. But, I replaced that with the Copperdog Speedscreen which is almost like not having a screen at all. It is a much cleaner air that catches most of the front of me and the buffeting is now all gone.

My wife owns the FZ6R and the stock screen on that is also not great. She now has the OEM Yamaha bubble on hers but we've yet to get it out and up to speed since installing thanks to winter.

So, I've owned and ridden the entire FZ line since 2005. :D

You are correct, it is either block none or block it all with a monstrosity of a screen. I don't mind the near-naked effect at all. As a matter of fact, at speed in clean air? It actually hold my body up to the point my arms are almost weightless thus I can totally relax them while waiting for the next set of twisties. :tup: