a visual idea (partial tinting of visor)


Well-Known Member
I came up with the idea of using a strip of tinting film inside the clear visor on my helmet.
I put the strip from the top to just above my line of sight.
It is so comforting on the eyes !

Under normal conditions, it stops the sun from shining directly into your eyes.
If you have the sun in the horizon ahead of you, just lower your head a bit and the strip will make it more bearable.

I had lots of trouble putting on the strip. There are movies on the net showing how to do it.
Applying the Car Window Tint to the Outside Back Window | eHow.com

The visor is a complex curved surface not too different than a rear window on a car.
I have not mastered the technique yet, mine is messy and I will have to redo it, but even so, it works wonders.