428 VERY uncomfortable miles in two days


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else think the FZ1 is an awful Sport Touring bike? I commute two days a week, 8 miles to work on my 08 Gen II. This weekend I road from Sacramento to South Lake Tahoe to Graeagle, CA then back home (from Friday at noon to Sunday at noon). Yes, it was 100 degrees in the CA Valley, but this bike kicked my butt. After an hour of riding, at 6'2" 225 lbs my knees cramped up, my thumbs were stiff and my sitting bones were on fire. I am so ready to shop for a used FJ1300.
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Does anyone else think the FZ1 is an awful Sport Touring bike? I commute two days a week, 8 miles to work on my 08 Gen II. This weekend I road from Sacramento to South Lake Tahoe to Graeagle, CA then back home (from Friday at noon to Sunday at noon). Yes, it was 100 degrees in the CA Valley, but this bike kicked my butt. After an hour of riding, at 6'2" 225 lbs my knees cramped up, my thumbs were stiff and my sitting bones were on fire. I am so ready to shop for a used FJ1300.

Have you done anything to set the bike up to suite you? The chances of buying a bike and having it fit you stock are slim. I've changed a lot on my bike for ergonomics. These include bars, levers rear shock, rearsets and a suspension tune. I have changed bar and rearset positions to suite me, the same as you change the handlebars and seat position on a pushbike to suite yourself. Others have also purchased aftermarket seats to make the bike more comfortable for them.
I wasn't thrilled with the stock seat, did a few 350 plus mile days on it, it was not the worst seat I have sat on. I had my seat done up by Eddie, dirt road, and it is a way better. I have since done many 500 mile days and had no butt fatigue. Some other long day of riding stiffness but the seat made it way better.

Well worth the cash spent.
In all honesty, you simply need to ride more. Touring on a bike is like anything else, you have to work up to it. You can't go out and run a marathon tomorrow, right? Take your time, stop often. If you're in agony after an hour, stop every 30 minutes. Get off the bike, have a stretch, take a photo. Drink lots of water, especially in that heat. As you ride more and more, you find yourself getting more comfortable with the bike, longer days get easier
I have an 06 with top sellerie seat, fz6 bars, throttle lock, giving hard cases, touring shield and a flash from nels. I love it. Just did 4200 miles in 13 days too. And a big bonus I got 42 - 56 mpg fully loaded too. I was shocked at the 50's mpg, the best she did pre flash was 45. I looked at fjr's and admit they are more comfy. But they do not have the wow and fun factor the fz1 has.... and you always have the size and weight to contend with. I can take mine touring with my set up and be pretty comfy, or I can strip the bags (Sw motech mounts) and have a play day. That is my feelings on it anyway, everyone is different, find what works for you
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I just have to chime in on this thread. I have to say that now that I took the 09' out for it's first long ride I have to say that I believe that the custom seat made all the difference in the world. I rode 503 miles in two days and was no worse for wear. For me, that's nothing short of miraculous! I'm usually "done" after 150 miles on the YZF but for some reason the GenII just suits me perfectly. Granted I'm not 6' tall but at 5'11" I'm almost there. A bonus is that I have short legs. I'd look to get your seat redone and try it again!
Like Dustin said, you have to get used to it. I'm 6' 4 & 220lbs, 600 miles days on my Gen 1 was no big deal once I tuffened up a bit. Keep riding and youll get used to it.
Thank you all for the replies.

The friend I rode up to Lake Tahoe with has 150,000+ miles on his 2001 Volusa 900 cruiser. I just turned 11,500 on mine. Don thinks a quick down and back to Las Vegas in four days is, "fun." He always seems to be 100 yards ahead of me on the curves. He agreed with Dustin, "You don't ride anywhere out of town, for more than 30 minutes." I guess I need more seat time. He rode home early on Saturday night(his mom fell in her nursing home), riding 115 miles into the setting sun for two hours. "No big deal," was all Don said. :surrender::surrender::surrender:
As Dustin said when you ride more it will get better. I did several 3k miles and more trips in a week or 10 days and often do 500+ mile days all without cramps and I am 6'2" (180 lbs) too. The stock seat is not that great for me the yamaha comfort gel seat works best (corbin was not that good) but this depends on your preferences. Another very important thing is to relax when riding. From what you write in your last post you are not riding much highways and seem to be uncomfortable in curves. Just try to relax when riding breeze and check that you lightly hold to the handle bars that your shoulders and arms are not stiff or tense. Only if you are relaxed (that does not mean to be not concentrate or have no body tension your back should be straight and your legs hug the tank)you can last long on a bike.

It is also important to adjust levers and handlebars to your likeing. You can turn the handle bars in the risers to change the angle and the feeling, you can rotate the levers so that your arm and hand build a straight line when you are in your riding position (any angle will cause pain in the wrist over time), the distance between lever and handle should be adjusted to your hand size. The foot levers should be adjusted so that changing gear down does not require to lift the foot very much (here is some personal preference) and the brake should be used without lifting the foot. Many riders do not know that all these things are easy to adjust or just do not bother doing it. It makes a huge difference and takes not more than 1 hour. Take your time try different settings and get the bike dialed in for you. You will realize that some things just do not work with the stock items, than it is time to buy aftermarked parts.
I agree with you Sactown . I have changed to an R1 shock, the bars, levers, dirt road seat, and i can not ride the FZ more than a couple hours. If i would have ridden the bike more than a half an hour i would have NOT bought it. I can ride my ST 10-12 hours and its stock!!
For me the FZ is a four hour a day bike max.I LOVE the FZ but i wish i could have riddin it the 650 milest
Its all personal preference and comfort. To me, I couldn't do the FZ1. Something about the ergonomics but it killed my lower back and rear. My R6 and R1 I can do much longer rides and I feel great. for most people its total opposite.

The biggest is form. lots of lower body strength helps a lot as well as good core muscles.

Im 5'10 and 175 lbs.
EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. I regularly go out for a spin of 150 miles with a break for lunch, no big deal and mine is all stock except for a Crampbuster ($11) that helps relieve the wrist strain. I just did 150 today and could easily jump on and do another 150 if I had reason to, 450-500 mi over two full days wouldn't bother me. No back, knee or other pain, and I'm 63 yo. I find the FZ1 very neutral for my 5'7" frame, but again, everyone has different dimensions and different things bother different people. If your regular jaunt is 8 miles you are just not conditioned for more miles in the saddle. The FZ1 is NOT the best sport touring machine by far, it's reason-for-being is going out for a couple of hour ride through some nice roads and not droning down a straight freeway. I've had an FJR1300, nice bike if most of your travelling is longer distance, not so great for just a day's fang in the hills.
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The friend I rode up to Lake Tahoe with has 150,000+ miles on his 2001 Volusa 900 cruiser. I just turned 11,500 on mine. Don thinks a quick down and back to Las Vegas in four days is, "fun." He always seems to be 100 yards ahead of me on the curves. He agreed with Dustin, "You don't ride anywhere out of town, for more than 30 minutes." I guess I need more seat time. He rode home early on Saturday night(his mom fell in her nursing home), riding 115 miles into the setting sun for two hours. "No big deal," was all Don said. :surrender::surrender::surrender:

This statement says volumes about your riding style. I really think you have the wrong bike for your age and riding needs. I strongly suggest you look at the BMW 1200 RT. Great in town but also a very nice LD bike too. Throw a topcase on it and you are good to go to the sunrise mall or Vegas.
BMW makes a very nice comfortable do all machine.
Does anyone else think the FZ1 is an awful Sport Touring bike? I commute two days a week, 8 miles to work on my 08 Gen II. This weekend I road from Sacramento to South Lake Tahoe to Graeagle, CA then back home (from Friday at noon to Sunday at noon). Yes, it was 100 degrees in the CA Valley, but this bike kicked my butt. After an hour of riding, at 6'2" 225 lbs my knees cramped up, my thumbs were stiff and my sitting bones were on fire. I am so ready to shop for a used FJ1300.

Not the best for long tours, if comfort and less fatigue is a real requirement. My buddy and I have been riding for 45+ years (road and mx), he owns an R6 and I own an FZ8. A guy in our group rides the Gen2 FZ1 too. We really like our Yam bikes for the mountains and urban riding, however two of us decided if we are going to do more than 150-200 miles a day, adding an FJR1300 to the stable is a must. He bought his FJR this past weekend and rode it from SoCal up coastal CA-1 highway 1 back to Sac / Eldorado county and loves the bike and it did well in the twisties too for a larger bike. In time, I'm looking towards doing the same for those longer multi-day rides. Go test ride one and see. It's really a neat sport/touring bike. Look up FJR1400 renderings. If it happens like rumored, it looks like a hybrid FZ1/FJR1300, I will go for it. In any case, FJRs are pretty cool IMO.

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Like others have said, you need more seat time. Bought my 09' about a month ago and the wife and I just did 1k miles around upstate NY, VT, NH and MA. Wife was hurting a little when we got home, but she had been on this bike only one time before the trip, before that it had been 14yrs.....
Another sacramentoean on a FZ.

I agree with others more seat time helps. I got a Corbin seat and new bars and it was fine doing the four sierra passes in a day.

I ride with the local sac group of which a few have fzs. Let me know if you ever want to ride and get more seat time!