2010 February M.B.O.M

My other FZ

Anyone else got anything to submit....new year and all -- we can do a MBOM sleeping beast gallery.....??

I'll post one of my "other" FZ. The one that sleeps in the corner. 1986 FZ 600 S. When I can chase the kids off the home computer.
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I have to vote for this dude. (lol)
here is another angle of my BOTM elect.

Let me make myself clear. This is an FZ site if anyone does not want to see other models participating I truely understand. I am a social member and a past FZ1 owner. I will not feel slighted.
The M.B.O.M Thread is for all members who wish to submit on this forum.

The ONLY criteria, that has been set forth to date, is that the bike being submitted is actually owned.

So post away! (and I added your picture to this month's contest)
there is a running joke on one of the radio stations here in the metro area saying that there are only 6 listeners of the radio station......I'm beginning to think that this is the case here for the M.B.O.M thread.

If ya take the time to look, please take the time to vote.....

there is a running joke on one of the radio stations here in the metro area saying that there are only 6 listeners of the radio station......I'm beginning to think that this is the case here for the M.B.O.M thread.

If ya take the time to look, please take the time to vote.....


I entered, I looked and I voted, (not for my own either):cheers:
Sorry but what am I doing wrong my photos will not upload keeps telling me the category you chose for this photo cann't contain photos??? What the heck am I doing wrong there is no Feb to click on so not sure where to upload. Thank and again sorry
FYI....when voting is enabled, I disable all you hooligans, I mean entrants from being able to upload pictures so as not to accidently delete or change the outcome by trying to repost.

You should have all other rights, except the ability to upload.....

return to your normal activities....