Motogp ?



Is anyone still interested in Motogp?. Boring is one word to sum it up. My 2 cents= The single tyre supplier isn't working, certain tyres brands worked good at some tracks and others better at other, their were variables regarding results, in all this made for unlikely results which kept the racing interesting and development of tyres no1 priority. At present racing seems more like a time-trial?. Bring back Michelin, Dunlop and whoever want to supply. Secondly, why only half way through the season are riders signing new contracts with different teams?. For example, Rossi and Stoner clearly have lost interest in racing for there present employers because of this?. Why not leave all that to the end of the season?. Any suggestions???
Great Payback for Stoner !!!

I just wanna share my absolute joy of watching stoner crash out last nite !!
Moanin little git !!! Love it how at the end of qualifying he had a bit of a to-do with Alex Espargaro and cut him up playin the so-called HardMan,
Just love it how Karma threw it's hand in and saw him crash out during the race!


I just wanna share my absolute joy of watching stoner crash out last nite !!
Moanin little git !!! Love it how at the end of qualifying he had a bit of a to-do with Alex Espargaro and cut him up playin the so-called HardMan,
Just love it how Karma threw it's hand in and saw him crash out during the race!



I loved his excuses this week! It was almost like he was complaining that the big boys were playing rough and he didn't like it!

I'm sure Honda will have another title-less season in 2011 with him and the Pedrobot riding the Repsol bikes.
I loved his excuses this week! It was almost like he was complaining that the big boys were playing rough and he didn't like it!

I'm sure Honda will have another title-less season in 2011 with him and the Pedrobot riding the Repsol bikes.
hahaha "it was the attack of the demon brakers" !!! so what ur sayin is, people were outbrakin you !!! God he is such a bad looser !!!

Hahahaha Love the honda comment bro !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am still watching every race. There have been maybe 2 really interesting races this whole season.

Only position changes are usually in 3-6 place throughout the races. I like to fantasize during the race that 3rd place is really first. Then it starts to seem exciting. ;) Don't really have an opinion on Stoner but I am super excited about Spies this weekend!
I've been getting more and more into Moto2. MotoGp is definitely not like it used to be back when I started watching it back in 1987. With only a 17 bike field, the only real racing is up front with the first 3 to 5 bikes. I'm really liking the AMA racing this year with the exciting racing coming from Bobby Fong. You never heard about him until the last three races. Now he's consistantly up front battling for the win.

Money and greed has corrupted just about every sport these days. Years ago a driver, rider, ball player, stayed for many years with the same team. These days you go out and spend a ton of money on tee shirts, memorabilia only to find out that your favorite guy now has another team! Word of caution, "Don't get any tattoos!!!!!
Lol at you POMs whinging about Casey. Jealousy is a curse boys, just because they can't find a pommy good enough to race (and win) MotoGP, you go and attack our boy.
I am staying neutral about Stoner, i think he gets a bad-rap that probably isn't justified. Lets face it he is one hell of a rider with a super=sexy missus, for that he gets some kudo's.
Lol at you POMs whinging about Casey. Jealousy is a curse boys, just because they can't find a pommy good enough to race (and win) MotoGP, you go and attack our boy.
Jealous of a guy that makes an excuse for EVERYTHING !! The guy can ride, yeah. the guy has an attitude problem ............ HELL YEAH !! he only sings when he's winning, yet any other time its the bike, the tyres, the susspension, his wrist, arm pump, lactose intollerance, the track, the wind ............ blah blah blah !!! if he took his head from so far up his arse, developed a personality and started looking at HIMSELF as the reason for failing, then maybe, JUST MAYBE myself and a million other brits (or any other country for that matter) would actually give him his due. Oh and he only Won cos Ducatti caught the world with their pants down when they made the DESMO GP8 !!

Jealous of a guy that makes an excuse for EVERYTHING !! The guy can ride, yeah. the guy has an attitude problem ............ HELL YEAH !! he only sings when he's winning, yet any other time its the bike, the tyres, the susspension, his wrist, arm pump, lactose intollerance, the track, the wind ............ blah blah blah !!! if he took his head from so far up his arse, developed a personality and started looking at HIMSELF as the reason for failing, then maybe, JUST MAYBE myself and a million other brits (or any other country for that matter) would actually give him his due. Oh and he only Won cos Ducatti caught the world with their pants down when they made the DESMO GP8 !!


Thanks for your rant. Casey tells it like it is and unfortunately it doesn't win him too many friends but at least it's better than sprouting the same old PR bullshit and telling everyone exactly what they want to hear.
Oh and yes we all know how in 2007 Stoner's Ducati won all those races by itself because it was so much better than everything else out there. Can you please remind us all about how well his team mates did on the very same bike?
Thanks for your rant. Casey tells it like it is and unfortunately it doesn't win him too many friends but at least it's better than sprouting the same old PR bullshit and telling everyone exactly what they want to hear.
Oh and yes we all know how in 2007 Stoner's Ducati won all those races by itself because it was so much better than everything else out there. Can you please remind us all about how well his team mates did on the very same bike?
my rant ??? no, it's called OPINION ! lol it seems like i've hit a nerve here !! or does the truth just hurt ?lol
Well if you follow racing closely enough you would know that there is always a PRIMARY rider and a SECONDARY rider. Casey being the first.
If you look at the race just gone, notice how Ben Spies (who is riding a bike with new 2011 parts and factory upgrades) did all the other Yamahas ?? Thats right, PERFORMANCE in MotoGP is EVERYTHING, Even a rookie can score high !!
Well lets hope the AMAZING rider you call Casey can buck up his ideas next year at Honda, i doubt he will change ANYTHIN for the japs, can't wait to hear the first excuse of 2011 !! hehehe it will prob be 1 for the joke book !!

I like Stoner. I like anyone with some personality that can precipitate some passion for the sport. Like it or hate it it is good for the sport. Your responses prove that you are passionate about the sport.
my rant ??? no, it's called OPINION ! lol it seems like i've hit a nerve here !! or does the truth just hurt ?lol
Well if you follow racing closely enough you would know that there is always a PRIMARY rider and a SECONDARY rider. Casey being the first.
If you look at the race just gone, notice how Ben Spies (who is riding a bike with new 2011 parts and factory upgrades) did all the other Yamahas ?? Thats right, PERFORMANCE in MotoGP is EVERYTHING, Even a rookie can score high !!
Well lets hope the AMAZING rider you call Casey can buck up his ideas next year at Honda, i doubt he will change ANYTHIN for the japs, can't wait to hear the first excuse of 2011 !! hehehe it will prob be 1 for the joke book !!


Ah ok, I see. So Lorenzo is the PRIMARY rider in the Fiat team then?
Yes it looks like 2011 will be very interesting on all fronts.
my rant ??? no, it's called OPINION ! lol it seems like i've hit a nerve here !! or does the truth just hurt ?lol
Well if you follow racing closely enough you would know that there is always a PRIMARY rider and a SECONDARY rider. Casey being the first.
If you look at the race just gone, notice how Ben Spies (who is riding a bike with new 2011 parts and factory upgrades) did all the other Yamahas ?? Thats right, PERFORMANCE in MotoGP is EVERYTHING, Even a rookie can score high !!
Well lets hope the AMAZING rider you call Casey can buck up his ideas next year at Honda, i doubt he will change ANYTHIN for the japs, can't wait to hear the first excuse of 2011 !! hehehe it will prob be 1 for the joke book !!


Hold on, you claim Ben Spies beat all other Yamaha riders because of the 2011 parts. Why did he do so well on a Yamaha in WSBK not so long ago? It wasn't the new parts. It was because he was such a great rider in that season and his riding style suited the Yamaha when all other Yamaha riders couldn't keep up cause they couldn't ride the Yamaha like he could...
Hold on, you claim Ben Spies beat all other Yamaha riders because of the 2011 parts. Why did he do so well on a Yamaha in WSBK not so long ago? It wasn't the new parts. It was because he was such a great rider in that season and his riding style suited the Yamaha when all other Yamaha riders couldn't keep up cause they couldn't ride the Yamaha like he could...

With everything said?. Don't you find it hard to belive that Rossi can come back from braking his leg, riding injured to a hair away from a podium in his first come-back race and now 6 weeks later he not even on the same page as the factory boys who are staying put?. You can't tell me that Yamaha hasn't give special parts and treatment to there 2011 riders. I am not knocking your local boy Spies, but he still isn't in the same frame with the 4 aliens yet!. This is my point, for example in football we have transfer windows if an agent trys to tap-up a player before this period he is fined or something worse. Why not have the same thing in Motogp to stop the season becoming a dud 1/2 way through it?. Dorma needs to grow a pair and take control not panda to these superstars wishes. There seems to be a select few that give Stoner sh*t but wasn't it Rossi that spat the dummy when his "Michelins" were'nt as good as Casey "Bridgestones" and therefore stabed Michelin in the back for all there years of service and handing Rossi how many titles?. Bridgestone and Ducati got there sh*t sorted in the off-season and developed a winning package= bike & tyres that Rossi & co could'nt. These seem like the good old days of Motogp= unexpected results and good racing. Dorma have relied on the marketing of Valentino Rossi's popularity for too long. Therefore, it is in Dormas best interest when Rossi wins titles?. Hasn't anyone noticed how much viewing time Rossi gets when watching races, even when he's 7th the cameras are on him? not the guy at the front and certainly not the other guys battling away around him. I never imagined motorcycle racing a boxing could be so similar!. Food for thought!
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I've been following Moto GP, well, since it was 500cc and King Kenny went 'over the pond' to take on Europe! I remember watching a kid named Rossi on 125's! Any you guys remember this? Dorna has screwed things up, but not NEAR as far as the manufacturers! The 500's were STUNNING! The 990's were something to watch, but these steroid 250's, I mean, the 800's w/all the electronics are a JOKE! I understand that 'they' want to test electronics out, as it'll end up on street bikes shortly e.g. BMW & Ducati's, but the fuel limit/800's/electronics have made this almost 'Nascarish'! I'm VERY interested to see what happens in '12 w/the new rules, but ain't holding my breath.

Rossi, Stoner, Hayden all HATE the 800's. Rossi has been one of the most vocal HATERS of these 'electric' 800's, saying it has been the biggest mistake EVER! The single tire rule has NOT screwed things up that bad . . . all the other S**T has!
I've been following Moto GP, well, since it was 500cc and King Kenny went 'over the pond' to take on Europe! I remember watching a kid named Rossi on 125's! Any you guys remember this? Dorna has screwed things up, but not NEAR as far as the manufacturers! The 500's were STUNNING! The 990's were something to watch, but these steroid 250's, I mean, the 800's w/all the electronics are a JOKE! I understand that 'they' want to test electronics out, as it'll end up on street bikes shortly e.g. BMW & Ducati's, but the fuel limit/800's/electronics have made this almost 'Nascarish'! I'm VERY interested to see what happens in '12 w/the new rules, but ain't holding my breath.

Rossi, Stoner, Hayden all HATE the 800's. Rossi has been one of the most vocal HATERS of these 'electric' 800's, saying it has been the biggest mistake EVER! The single tire rule has NOT screwed things up that bad . . . all the other S**T has!

I have video's on VHS from 88' through 92' when they finally started showing races on TV where I lived. "Mad Max Biaggi" and John Kocinski were making their names in the 250's while Gardner, Schwantz, Rainey, Doohan, Pons, etc. were tearing up the tracks in the 500's. As far as I'm concerned, that was true GP Racing at it's finest. Back then, Nascar was the "real deal" as well, not the "cookie cutter" sport it is today. You had to be fearless to throw your leg over one of those 500 GP Bikes and also to strap yourself in a Stock Car back then. I agree with you 100%. Bring back the "old days"!
I have video's on VHS from 88' through 92' when they finally started showing races on TV where I lived. "Mad Max Biaggi" and John Kocinski were making their names in the 250's while Gardner, Schwantz, Rainey, Doohan, Pons, etc. were tearing up the tracks in the 500's. As far as I'm concerned, that was true GP Racing at it's finest. Back then, Nascar was the "real deal" as well, not the "cookie cutter" sport it is today. You had to be fearless to throw your leg over one of those 500 GP Bikes and also to strap yourself in a Stock Car back then. I agree with you 100%. Bring back the "old days"!

Agree 100% percent...unfortunately these days it's all about reducing cost and both series have become "boring", especially NASCAR where all the cars look the same, just plastered with different sponsor decals :disapproval:
This kind of thread aggravates the hell out of me because people that can't ride, for some reason, feel they have a right to attack the boys that can.

I, for one, can't even imagine the balls, skills, blah, blah , required to do what a racer does. I think watching would be better for everyone if they had more cameras covering everything that is going on in the race. We seldom even get to see the crashes. Folks like crashes which is why the rednecks loves NASCAR.

When I try to consider the skill required to set up a pass at well over 100 mph in a turn with the timing required and understanding of lines --- I am in awe.