What else do you do?

I enjoy most anything to do with bikes and sports cars (particularly Japanese sports cars), technology related stuff like computers and electronic gadgets, and watching blu-ray movies and random movies and shows that I find on Netflix streaming. My other passion aside from mechanical stuff is collecting firearms and target shooting.
I play Bass guitar, have been doing shows most of my life. About every 5 years or so I get back into R/C car racing (then quit again once the cost of it all starts getting to me).

Really looking to get another SS 29er BMX or MTB (to convert to BMX) and do some more riding when the weather picks up. Had one briefly before it was stolen (ah.... baltimore :shaking head:). I'll take big wheels and a rigid chromoly frame over most anything, I love the feel.

Like Raven was saying, the firearm thing is cool. I'm not a big collector but I have my handfull to choose from.

And, um, I work. It's a pretty good facsimile of the movie Office Space :zzz:
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Pretty much bikes and work.

The weather in Perth allows you to ride all year round and I'm heavily involved with a local touring club.

Plus I work long hours as a heavy diesel mechanic so usually by the time I get home all I want to do is sit down and have a beer.

We are in the process of build a house ATM which is taking up a bit of time:wilynily:

And about four years ago I took up gliding but after about 6 months I decided riding was more fun.
Lets see ... other than my obvious hobbies like Motocross and mountain biking, my life is pretty much family and work (love the office space refence Nightrain!)

Spring is busy with kids baseball, summer we hang at the beach alot and riding bikes with the kids... and then I try to cram in a little motocross racing, lots of mountain bike riding and of course the wife n I love to get out on the FZ1...

It's actually hard to cram it all in but I wouldn't change a thing :D

I should add in addition to my full time gig I am going for a Masters Degree in Systems Engineering...
I have a son who is the light of my life, and I enjoy playing drums, progressive rock music, some of my work as a software engineer is rewarding, and I love my dogs, which may include making fun of them .......
I might be the only retired person here. I quit working when I was 56 and started riding bikes. Now I will be 65 in June. I started riding the twisties on a 98 Magna and moved up to a FZ1 - 3 years ago. I totaled the Magna twice and have now totaled the FZ1. So, I've broke a few things and live with some other pains and wouldn't have it any other way.

I was a remodeling contractor and custom woodworker. I got tired of it and was ready to let my wife support me. :)

Now, my only hobby is riding fast. I say that cause I'm not to big on cruising around here in flatland with no curves. I like the track OK but get tired of going around and round. I really like the mountains of western NC and N. Ga. but the cops are getting tiresome and it can be more dangerous.

We just bought a bigger house and there are some things to do but I'm not very motivated. I still have all the hand and power tools for all the different work I do --- which is anything that relates to a house.
People have lives beyond motorcycles??
I bowl one night a week, not really all that good but the team needs my money so they keep me around.
Beyond that- just running my service business, keeping the house from falling down plus the 4 acres of forest that always need something, 2 teenagers, a wife with a horse and one old Westie. Somehow there always seems to be something to do.

I have many less hobbies than I used to do to my Workaholism. It is a terrible thing and I don't deny it, and yet I am not ashamed! I use this terrible affliction to support my other addiction; Motorcylism. It finds it way into every aspect of my life. Photography of motorcycles, Writing about motorcyles, reading about motorcycling.Traveling by motorcyle. If I could cut the lawn with the motorcyle I probably would. Like a good addict I have no wish to stop or be rehabilitated. " No body likes a quitter".

All kidding aside, I have a very time consuming job, so I fit my only hobbies in when ever I can and mix bikes with every aspect of my life. Even when I get together with friends we are all motorcyclists and the conversation always migrates back to bikes and riding. It is a passion that runs deep. Life is a journey and what better way to travel along.:shine:
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People have lives beyond motorcycles??
I bowl one night a week, not really all that good but the team needs my money so they keep me around.
Beyond that- just running my service business, keeping the house from falling down plus the 4 acres of forest that always need something, 2 teenagers, a wife with a horse and one old Westie. Somehow there always seems to be something to do.

I use to bowl but it started getting in the way of biking so I quit. In the winter --- I could do other things but nothing usually comes along. But from Mar to Oct. I'm --- on a trip, planning a trip or just coming back from a trip. No time for anything else. :)
I have many less hobbies than I used to do to my Workaholism.

I even quit working to bike. If I committed to doing a job -- I couldn't bike until it was over because I might get hurt and have to delay completion, which would make someones home a mess for too long. So --- the only solution was to not take on any more time obligations. :)
I even quit working to bike. If I committed to doing a job -- I couldn't bike until it was over because I might get hurt and have to delay completion, which would make someones home a mess for too long. So --- the only solution was to not take on any more time obligations. :)

One day, I hope to be able to afford the same opportunity and mentality Joe. But at this rate, I'm still always 6 numbers away... :p
One day, I hope to be able to afford the same opportunity and mentality Joe. But at this rate, I'm still always 6 numbers away... :p

Honestly, while my kids were coming up --- I didn't ride at all because I felt I was unsafe. So, I understand the many reasons that my riding style doesn't fit most folks --- and that makes sense to me. :)

I really hope you don't have 6 kids --- if so I would recommend you sell your bike immediately hehe :)
what a great thread,enjoyed reading all that as been posted.myself have been into wing chun for the last 10 years which i have now given up do to bad back and old age, and thats why i have given up sports bike and now ride a fz1s.now my hobies are enjoying a drink and watching videos of rides out over the past few years.
what a great thread,enjoyed reading all that as been posted.myself have been into wing chun for the last 10 years which i have now given up do to bad back and old age, and thats why i have given up sports bike and now ride a fz1s.now my hobies are enjoying a drink and watching videos of rides out over the past few years.

Curious as to what is Wing Chun? And are you like 70 years old or what?
Curious as to what is Wing Chun? And are you like 70 years old or what?

I too was a bit perplexed by the 'Wing Chun', but a quick google search turned these up...
...thus dispelling my first thoughts of...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoXu6QmxpJE]YouTube - Wang Chung - Everybody Have Fun Tonight[/ame]


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I love mountain biking, camping, hiking, the beach, pretty much any outdoor sport, I do game too though mostly PC gaming COD, Battlefield 2 etc., I do target shooting, movies (love Netflix) but the most important thing is spending time with my wife and kids, that is definitely at the top of the list any day under any circumstance. I'm also thinking of starting Krav Maga with my son, he's got a head start on me and loves it.