

Titanic is a metal of exceptional resistance and low weight. It is used for the manufacture of chirurgical tools but also very expensive sport clocks. His use in the car industry is not particularly widespread and is limited in the expensive models of high records. Also, certain upmarket houses of improvement manufacture ameliorative elements from titanic, as piston rods, valves, springs of valves, pincers, thills of transmission of movement, evaporations, springs etc. The alloys titanic economising weight in percentage 40%-60% concerning the alloys of steel, while the resistance of alloys titanic in the distortion is triples from corresponding steel. The use titanic in the evaporation offers saving of weight, resistance in per year and pioneering appearance. The evaporations titanic are practically [adiabrotes], bear in much higher temperatures even from the steel inox 304 and allocate almost invisible stick. They have also better kidnapping of heat.