Riding in Rain?

Well I suggest to get your body position right, upper body well inside,head out to mirror and low to keep the bike more upright through the turns. Then let her rip, back wheel steer that girl through the corners and never ever chop that throttle coming out !! When you get good at this in the wet you can get real aggressive in the dry and shred those tires. Now this is only my opinion and I accept no liability for any damage or injury caused by not doing it right !! :disturbed
Well I suggest to get your body position right, upper body well inside,head out to mirror and low to keep the bike more upright through the turns. Then let her rip, back wheel steer that girl through the corners and never ever chop that throttle coming out !! When you get good at this in the wet you can get real aggressive in the dry and shred those tires. Now this is only my opinion and I accept no liability for any damage or injury caused by not doing it right !! :disturbed
Love the disclaimer. Are you a lawyer? Also love the different tack you have taken IE not safety but how to go fast. PS I don't recommend or endorse any previous comments.
Mate I live miles away from anywhere ! Rain equals fun. I do agree with not pushing it in light showers or at the first sign of a good rain but once that road has cleaned itself of all the crap it is not as dangerous as some people will lead you to believe ! I love riding in the rain and yes I do behave badly.:evillaugh::evillaugh:
Mate I live miles away from anywhere ! Rain equals fun. I do agree with not pushing it in light showers or at the first sign of a good rain but once that road has cleaned itself of all the crap it is not as dangerous as some people will lead you to believe ! I love riding in the rain and yes I do behave badly.:evillaugh::evillaugh:
Not complaining. When I was commuting in Sydney on my trail bikes, loved to slide them in the rain, but I was younger and sharper then. Also got hard old stock tires on my FZ and love power sliding it (in 1st) in dry conditions. I just don't recommend you try it if not experienced.
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Mate I live miles away from anywhere ! Rain equals fun. I do agree with not pushing it in light showers or at the first sign of a good rain but once that road has cleaned itself of all the crap it is not as dangerous as some people will lead you to believe ! I love riding in the rain and yes I do behave badly.:evillaugh::evillaugh:

I agree riding in the rain can be fun & definetly gets the heart rate up. You just have to ride to the conditions.
Well mate stop spending on bling, put some in to making her go and 2 and 3rd gear spin is just a lean and twist away. Seriously though I have ridden bikes since I was 5 now 44. Raced dirt and road for many years, have done more race schools and ride days, advanced schools etc than I care to remember, broken most major bones except my spine, hit cars and trees and safety fences. I still behave like a hoon whenever the opportunity presents itself, love to mono especially next to my old mates to see who can go the furthest or fastest on the back wheel ( my mate Fred beat me on a ST1300, 5km bastard! ), who can leave the biggest blacky on a corner exit, and just love to shove it up the inside through the twisties. But I do love riding in the rain !!!
Rainx works great

yeah which one ? it says on the bottle do not use on plastic.............

I rode 260 miles in the rain both stop and start I rode in a spada highland jacket very warm and so far waterproof.I put nik wax visor proof on the visor and works wonders but needs re-doing when you fill up with fuel.I also wore gore-tex boots were warm to.
I stand corrected just took a look and it is NOT rainx what I use on truck but Plexus for my shield.
Sorry have both bottles and it has been a while since I use them (winter here). Honestly over the past year I pretty much just use lemon pledge on both my bike and sled windshield and I am thinking would be fine for shield too will try it and let you know. One thing that I do know from a friend that is a pilot is when ever cleaning a windshield use verticle strokes not horizontal. If there are any slight scratches horizontal makes glare were as vertical does not.
I use Nikwax on my visor, great stuff.

I actually love riding in the rain, I don't like setting off in it but if it starts during my ride then.. BRING IT ON!

Get the best gore-tex stuff you can and get on with it.