Motocentric gps tower tank bag

Hey guys, so the Motocentric gps tower tank bag come in today, fits the bike fairly well, this thing is huge, here is a sample picture for you guys, ill give a more full review of it after a few days, with more pics to go with it.
Im curious on how are you gonna pass trough corners with that fully loaded...Once you lean down It's gonna take a hell of a strenght to get back up :rofl::rofl:
I got one also at $60 from MS it was hard to pass up. It came with two mag bases so it's like getting two bags in one since they zip apart. I have one for my gym gear and one for commuting.
Yeah i also got mine from MS for 60$, and so far it is an awesome bag, loved they included two of the magnetic bases. I know i said i would give a full review with pics, but i am awaiting some things for my camping setup to come in mail. But here is a few pics to kind of get an idea of the space, in the full review i will unpack it all to show how dang big it really is! :icon_beer:

This thing is no where near full even with all the stuff you can see in the sample pics here! Also the phone pouch on the top holds my Samsung Note 3 phone if anyone was worried about that! :nerd:

also the GPS is a Tom Tom 6 inch screen, and that is a tight fit for it, so i wouldn't recommend anything larger than that.
Looks like a lot of storage. I'm not sure I could see over that either, but if you can, you should be able to rest your helmet chin bar on it.