Looking to buy a new or used FZ1 - things to look for?

Hello there.

New member here looking for some advice.

I recently decided that I should get a bike for commuting to cut down on the cost of gas driving my truck. I have a Colorado that gets 20mph but I am still filling up twice a week, roughly $120 per week in gas right now(socal gas prices are wonderful).

I rode dirtbikes as a teen - early twenties, and have ridden a street bike before.

I went to the local house of motorcycles and a sales guy took some time out to show me a large number of bikes. I knew I did not want a full sport bike since I would be spending 20-30 min one way commuting on the freeway. I sat on a few cruisers and knew right away that was not the thing for me.

I knew i liked the FZ1 the moment I sat on it, the feel was great, and knowing I could still have some fun on the weekends with it felt like a good compromise.

The dealer has a 2007 with 6k miles they are asking $7k for. I checked my local craigs list and found a few for much cheaper. A 2002 with 15k miles for $4k, etc, etc.

Now this is where I need your help. From browsing the forums here I see there is 2 generations of the FZ1.
1> What years separate the generations, are there some major handling or mechanical differences that should deter me from first gen bikes?
2> What kind of common issues should I be looking for and considering on these bikes?
3> What kind of service schedule should I expect?
4> What are reasonable prices? I looked on KBB and put in 2002 FZ1 in excellent condition and the price came up at 3500 or so, does that seem reasonable? When would I ever consider paying more then KBB for a bike?
5> Any other general tips or things to consider?

Thanks for looking and offering any advice.

- - Matthew
Well to shed a little light on that deal I got my 08 as a hold over for 7200 OTD. It had zero miles and they paid off a loan I had on my shadow. You can find a Gen II for better prices.
Hello there.
Now this is where I need your help. From browsing the forums here I see there is 2 generations of the FZ1.
1> What years separate the generations, are there some major handling or mechanical differences that should deter me from first gen bikes?

Thanks for looking and offering any advice.

- - Matthew

Yep, there are 2 Gen's of the FZ1


Gen 1:
  • 2001-2005
  • tubular steel frame
  • carbs
  • bigger gas tank
  • around 38-40 mpg? (correct me if my guess if a little off, but I know the Gen 1 gets better mpg than Gen 2)
  • conventional forks


Gen 2:
  • 2006-2011
  • box aluminum frame
  • FI
  • slightly smaller tank (4.76 gal)
  • around 32-36 mpg in my experience with my '07
  • inverted forks

These lists are just off the top of my head. I hope it helps a bit.

PS Blue is faster ;)
Thank you for the replies so far.

So a Gen 1 is slightly better on mileage, so it would be slightly better as a daily commuter. But it is carburetor vs Fuel injected, what is more reliable and requires less maintenance, the Carb or FI? Do the Gen one bikes have more troubles at altitude because of the carburation?

Is Gen one heavier than Gen 2 since it has steel instead of aluminum? I am guessing if it is, it is not noticeable when riding.

Is there a general consensus on this site that one is better than the other?

Thanks again for your replies.
Solid motor for sure for both Gen's and yes there is a little more maintenance when it comes to carbs but nothing out of the ordinary. Sounds like the stock jetting is pretty fat so I don't think altitude is going to be a huge factor until you start modding.I know there a few Gen I guys that will chime in with some great info. I am a Gen II owner and love my FZ. Starts great whenever I need it to and milage isn't the worst out there for liter bikes but its not great. I start looking for gas stations at about 120 miles. Stock seat isn't great and I changed mine out. There are a ton of free mods and some less expensive ones like gear changes that make a world of difference on a stock bike. Well got to get back to work, hope this helped a bit.
The guys who have Gen 1 bikes seem to be more comfortable working with their carbs and the guys who hav Gen 2 bikes seem to be dealing with FI just fine. It's probably more just being familair with one or the other. Both are fine machines if maintained properly and driven with respect for the machine. On the converse, if either has had crappy maintenance or been ridden to death, you could run ito some trouble but I wouldn't necessarily pick one or the other on the basis of Gen1 or 2. I just purchased my 2008 back from my dealer after trading it for a Triumph speedmaster last year. Dealer gave it back to me for $5300. I don't think I'd pay more than $6000 for the 2007 you're looking at.
Yep, there are 2 Gen's of the FZ1


Gen 1:
  • 2001-2005
  • tubular steel frame
  • carbs
  • bigger gas tank
  • around 38-40 mpg? (correct me if my guess if a little off, but I know the Gen 1 gets better mpg than Gen 2)
  • conventional forks


Gen 2:
  • 2006-2011
  • box aluminum frame
  • FI
  • slightly smaller tank (4.76 gal)
  • around 32-36 mpg in my experience with my '07
  • inverted forks

These lists are just off the top of my head. I hope it helps a bit.

PS Blue is faster ;)

My '02 gets 47 mpg avg. mostly interstate riding...
You won't go wrong with either Gen. Gen I will get you better milage and be a little more comfortable. The GenII a little sportier.

I would like to add a recommendation, how about a FZ 6. You will get a little better milage and it's a very capable street bike. You may save a little coin to boot. As far as sites go, you are at the right place if you are reading this:)

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If you get the chance, I would suggest you try riding both a Gen I and a Gen II FZ1 and an FZ6, there is nothing quite like riding a bike to form your own opinion. What works for someone else may not be your preference. You may initially think that you are just going to commute for 30 minutes but soon you may want to spend more time on the bike taking longer rides. An FJR or a 2008 or newer Concours are really nice bikes and they are bigger and more suited for long distance riding. I have found that some dealers will not let you test drive sportier bikes but others will; probably based on the insurance they have on the inventory they have. Good luck with your selection.
Some GREAT advice and knowledge given here. I came from riding a Honda V-65 for several years, and when my mechanic friend was talking to me, I had told him I was thinking of getting a VTX 1800....The more we talked, he started talking about his Fz1 first Generation, and how in his opinion it was one of the most under rated bikes ever made. Mind you, he owns several, and I started looking around at the FZ1's...amd then....:smoking: I rode his at his suggestion just around the block. I couldn't believe it. Shortly there after, I bought my 02' used with 13000 miles....I had to have him set the suspension up for me (I'm a bit of a bigger guy), and now, 4000 miles later, I feel this is the best motorcycle I've ever : owned:

I ride it, clean it, ride it, clean it....that's it.

I'm sure the GenII's are also fantastic. It's just that I would look like a monkey ------- a football on one...and I love the Gen 1 comfort.

And, I get compliments everywhere...guy pulled up to me at Gas Station yesterday ans said "What size motor is that"?...."1000" I replied....he then said, "Looks really cool and fast"...

If you can't tell by now...I love my Fizzy:yes:

Good luck on your decision.
Thank you very much for your input!

I considered the smaller Bike, but I know I would end up being disappointed with it after I got it. I have a 2004 Subaru STI, 300hp, 300torqe for those who are not familiar. I am used to having lots of power at my disposal.
Thank you very much for your input!

I considered the smaller Bike, but I know I would end up being disappointed with it after I got it. I have a 2004 Subaru STI, 300hp, 300torqe for those who are not familiar. I am used to having lots of power at my disposal.

Then an FZ6 will not work for you, it requires a lot of clutch control on takeoff and makes little power down low. 2006 Gen II had some issues with the FI and it took a couple of model years for Yamaha to mostly get it sorted out. Any model from '08 onwards would be a good bet, there are still new '09 models in the supply chain which can often be bought for excellent prices.
I bought a new '08 FZ1 last month for $7k. You can find deals, you have to look around though - mine was an internet special the dealer was running.
Sold the Blazer and picked up my new commuter vehicle!



2002 FZ1 15k miles.

Yoshimura Exhaust, and some suspension goodies. I am not up to date on bike stuff and mods so I will have to look into further to give an accurate list.

I noticed the bike was super smooth and comfortable to ride on the way home.
The left side rear blinker does not work, so i need to find a bulb, but I am guessing that is a part I can find at a regular auto parts store, or do I need to hit up a motorcycle shop?

I was pretty excited because I was able to pickup to the bike for the exact amount I sold the blazer for, and the guy threw in a nice Jacket, Some never used Alpinestar gloves (they were too small for his big mits) and a helmet, so I got all the main starter safety gear with it, plus saddle bags and a tank bag.
I am very happy to say the least. More and better pics later.
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