Ever done something so dumb?

Ouch. What do you work with wolves.

Haha! I was running my weinig molder and put my hand in the wrong place. Ripped the skin right off, 30 stitches. I got very lucky, missed tendon and bone, just skin. Was kinda strange, was like a burn, didn't hardly bleed so it was easy to see all the muscle and tendons that are usually UNDER the skin!
Haha! I was running my weinig molder and put my hand in the wrong place. Ripped the skin right off, 30 stitches. I got very lucky, missed tendon and bone, just skin. Was kinda strange, was like a burn, didn't hardly bleed so it was easy to see all the muscle and tendons that are usually UNDER the skin!

I'll bet I'm the only one who has dropped a 400# sailboat keel on my toe. The sailboat had a retractable keel and was on a trailer in my driveway. I took the keel out of the boat in order to grind it to a smooth and fair shape. (I raced the boat and wanted any performance advantage possible). I had removed the large pivot bolt and had the keel held up with a hydraulic jack. I was sitting cross-legged on the floor, under the boat. Some way the damn thing got loose and landed on my big toe - ouch - but don't worry - I had the "oh so protective" tennis shoes on. Lost the nail, but eventually it was fine.