BT016 Pro


Well-Known Member
Was looking at the tyre wear on the front of my bike the other night, and was thinking that it wasn't pitting on the edges anywhere near as much as usual.

I then had the thought that they'd been on there longer than the almost destroyed rear I've got, and didn't look worn at all, and got to wondering. Checked the tyre side wall, and discovered the front is one of the new ones.

Had heard that there was a new BT016 coming out, but hadn't paid much attention (propaganda being what it is and all), so I read up a little on them.

They claim up to 60% longer life on the front, and 20% on the rear.:unworthy:

Obviously I had not noticed any less traction, or any poor performance issues, so it seems that from the front, they are indeed getting insanely better miles with no loss or even perhaps a slight improvement in performance (they claim a little better in the dry, and loads better in the wet).

Looking forward to getting that rear on there:laugh2: