Ride with Mr. & Mrs. FZ1 in Texas


Today I took Eric and Michelle for their first real ride in Texas. As you know they recently moved to Leander, Texas from New Hampshire earlier this year. I have known them since 2009 when I bought an FZ1 and quickly became a mod on this forum under their tutelage.

They both have beautiful FZ1s. His a blue 2013 and hers a custom painted purple. I was on my 2013 Speed Triple R.

I showed up at their house last night driving my Triumph Speed Triple R from Houston. A wonderful home made steak, shrimp and fish dinner along with a nice Stout made up for my accommodations shown below. The unicorn was a snob. Olaf was nice but in a weird uncle kind of way. I jest. The bed was very comfy!



We hit the road this morning taking 1431 to Marble Falls then North to Park road 4. While at Ink lake for a photo op (below) I mentioned to Eric that the Triple came with an adjustable dog bone. I am glad I mentioned it because when he took a look he saw a nut was missing from a bolt on my suspension bracket. We were lucky to find a Napa auto parts south of there on 1430 that had the m10 X 1.25 nut I needed for a replacement. No good ride goes without some drama.


After my bike was fixed we headed to Llano for some Coopers BBQ. That is a proper Texas welcome!



From Llano we headed south to 2323 then cut over to Enchanted rock, Willow City Loop and Fredericksburg for chocolate.



After Fredericksburg we took back road to Blanco. Headed north to Marble falls where we had dinner and PIE at Bluebonnet Cafe. Then 1431 back to Leander.

Eric and Michelle had a blast and they were both glad someone finally dragged them out for a ride after 9 months of being in Texas.

I look forward to riding with them again soon. ....and Mr. Hellgate when he heals up and can join us.
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Don't ya just love meeting other forum members?!?!

I know I do!! :woot:

And I agree with Dustin...........one of y'all need to upload that pic for BOTM!
That sounds like you guys had an awesome time. I remember my stay with Eric in NH. We had a blast up there.
They are such good people. My wife and I will have the pleasure of hosting them in November. We live very close to the Texas renaissance festival and most of you know they are big fans of that. Texas has one of the biggest festivals there is.
I'm glad to hear you had a nice ride.

I had State Park Road 4 in mind for them too.

We need to plan a Fall overnight to Leakey.

Oh, as of today I am cleared to begin light running.

I renewed the TV4 this weekend and the XV920R comes home this Friday. Time to ride!

E&M we'll hit Lime Creek Road for some 1st gear turns.
I've been so busy, I forgot to check in here for too long!

It was a pleasure to have Brad over and give us a proper Texas back roads tour. Our original tour was planned with Pete but preempted by his unfortunate skiing accident. Michele and I have been so busy and her current job is too demanding, leaving her either mentally exhausted or working far too many hours including weekends. She did, however, give her notice and will be leaving that company for which I am grateful! I want my wife back! :) This means we will have more riding time!

The day started early and finished late without incident. I was glad I took a look at Brad's linkage and discovered the missing nut. The end result could have been very bad for him. It has made my resolve for pre-ride inspection just that much more vigilant!

I am horrible for remembering to take pics so I have only three that mirror what Brad already posted. Sorry!

Brad, thank you for taking a HOT Texas day to guide us through some awesome roads and show us some places we will be revisiting. The heat wasn't an issue if we were moving and all of us were in full gear. The camelbacks were the saving grace for the trip. I was surprised (and THANKFUL) that there was nearly zero traffic on the roads for July 4th. Brad was a trooper having ridden from Houston to Leander Sunday, 320 miles Monday and back to Houston on Tuesday, all during higher-than-normal temperatures for this time of year.

I'm even more anxious to get out on a tour with Pete and discover even more local back roads! I also need to get with you, Pete, to plan a dinner at our house. I think Brad liked my cooking. ;) We really want Mary to meet Bridgette and she will not be back until later in August. So, we'll plan two dinners for you!

I'm hoping to meet up with Brad Sunday and meet his wife Sherry. I'm headed to Houston Sunday and will be back on Friday. Because I have large items to bring to and from work, I cannot take the bike this trip.

Awesome first Texas 4th of July!!! Michele and I thank you!
I had the pleasure of meeting Brad when I visited Austin in 2014 but didn't get to ride with him. Looks like you guys had a blast and I love the photos :)