When will the madness end??

After having the Mavis wheel alignment fiasco finally past, now it seems that the dog has fleas!! I took him last Sunday for a clipping and I got more than I bargained for. He started scratching the day after the clipping which I thought was normal because he acts a little funny after getting shaved. However, he was still scratching 4 days later so I got him a flea and tick collar and put it on him just in case. He's a house dog and never goes outside. Duke is a Maltese/Yorkshire Terrier mix and is very small. Yesterday at work my son called to tell me he's still at it so as soon as I get home we bathe him with flea and tick shampoo and scrub him good. I brought home two cans of flea, tick, and bedbug killer and fumagate the apartment. Today I get home and while petting him on the bed, there I see a friggin tiny bug I suspect is a flea running around on his belly. Again, I tear the house apart, throw away all the bedding, vacuum anything and everything, spray another can of killer on all mattresses, boxsprings, around the beds, every which way I can. I'm so pissed that after 4 days with the collar and a scrubbing with shampoo, these damn things are still alive. Now tomorrow I am sending my son to Petland for flea nad tick powder to apply directly to him and hope that works. Has anyone gone through this same unfortunate ritual with their dog? If so, what remedy did you finally achieve victory with? This is all new to me and I'm freaking out!
No expert

I'm no expert, however it seems most pet owners have given up on flea collars, powders, dips etc., in favor of a monthly topical application of Frontline or Advantage. I know Frontline worked great on my cat and I've been told Advantage is the ticket for dogs. I think fogging the apt. makes sense.
I know that advantage, you will only be able to get if the doc has done an exam on the pup. You'll be elligible for a years supply, and then you have to bring in for another exam.

I've got 3 dogs and that is what I have to do here with Banifield, tied with Petsmart.

Australian Shepherd
Miniture Dachsund

Might be different if you have a good relationship with a private vet.
I know that advantage, you will only be able to get if the doc has done an exam on the pup. You'll be elligible for a years supply, and then you have to bring in for another exam.

I've got 3 dogs and that is what I have to do here with Banifield, tied with Petsmart.

Australian Shepherd
Miniture Dachsund

Might be different if you have a good relationship with a private vet.

That’s been my experience as well until now. Last time I was in Costco, Advantage was over-the-counter (didn’t see Frontline). And, since it was Costco, one purchases large quantities, but at significant savings. Banifield charges me $50 for a four-month supply of Frontline. Again, I've heard Frontline works best for cats, but Advantage works best for dogs. My cat responded much better to Frontline than to Advantage.
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Now I must Thank You Billy. Wife saw this up on the screen and I just had to give all 3 a bath -- not for fleas, but just becasue it reminded her that they needed one....

note to self: make sure forum is minimized when wife around and I'm not sittin' in front of computer!

I gave him the first of 3 treatments about two hours ago. It cost me $47.00 dollars for the 3 month program. I called the groomer today to let him know what happened. I explained that I wasn't telling him this to look for money or anything but just to make him aware that it could very well cost him a lot of business. He apologized profusely for 5 minutes but I told him that I could no longer take a chance with him. From now on I'll pay the extra money and have the mobile guy come to my house and do it in the truck. It's $80.00 dollars but I know that he's there for my dog only and that he goes from my hands straight to the clippers. Their website is also set up with an Ebay type format with each groomer having a feedback rating showing both positives and negatives which they rely on for continued business. Thanks for all the advice. It really helped me alot. Now I gotta go eat something. Me and CanonFuji just got back from a spirited ride up to Walmart.
have you gotten him to fess up to going faster than the speed limit??

still :waiting: on the video from "A" holliganism affair calling each other out....

have you gotten him to fess up to going faster than the speed limit??

still :waiting: on the video from \"A\" holliganism affair calling each other out....


All I can say is that tomorrow morning, 8:00am we'll be rolling out to hit the mountain...Yes, I'll have the camera mounted as well as Ray. So we'll see who's fooling who tomorrow afternoon when I post the videos here on the site. :sinister: Let's see him weasel his way out of this one!

Also Walmart to the Bronx = 48 miles
Ray and Billy, Walmart to the Bronx 30 minutes today! Ask him to explain that one!: oops:
I will do just that!

ride safe -- and give those tires a good woorkout with a full report as well....


Oh you know it brother! Once I get back I'm picking up Richie from the house and heading back up to my friend Sal. He just had sugery on his leg last week and he wants me to take his 2008 Hardly Fatboy for a nice long ride since it's been sitting so long. Don't tell anyone else....this is between me and you. Shhhh. :embarrased:
I'm guessing that by now you've long since got your dog situation under control. However, I still thought I'd share. My wife got a Maltese after the Yorkie died & she wanted me to try to train it to do its business in a litter box, like a cat, so we wouldn't have to mess with possible fleas, etc. I thought she was crazy but I did it. It's a little strange seeing a dog in a litter box but hey, as long as it doesn't start meowing I'm ok with it. It works amazingly well. The dog has been outside twice in 9 months and only for about 20 seconds--by accident. Adios to any potential bug probs.
I'm guessing that by now you've long since got your dog situation under control. However, I still thought I'd share. My wife got a Maltese after the Yorkie died & she wanted me to try to train it to do its business in a litter box, like a cat, so we wouldn't have to mess with possible fleas, etc. I thought she was crazy but I did it. It's a little strange seeing a dog in a litter box but hey, as long as it doesn't start meowing I'm ok with it. It works amazingly well. The dog has been outside twice in 9 months and only for about 20 seconds--by accident. Adios to any potential bug probs.

Boy! I thought I was the only one with a dog who didn't venture outside the house. We have trained him to go on an oversized wee-wee pad that we keep on the bathroom floor. It's the large 24x36 size and works great. They were kind of expensive at the pet stores but I found them through our TrueValue dealer at work. Now a case of 100 only costs me about 15 bucks. I can change the pad every other day so one case will last me over half a year! When he poops (which is tiny anyways), I just quickly dump it in the toilet. I don't think it would work with a big dog, but for a tiny guy like I have it's fine.

A side note: He does freak out when he gets to go outdoors. He has no clue what to do once hes out and usually rather head straight back to the house. I do have to take him periodically to get some excercise and for haircuts.