Want to Trade my 4x4 Blazer for an FZ1

Want to Trade my 4x4 Blazer for an FZ1 SOLD!

I know this is a long shot, but I am currently trying to sell my 2000 Chevy Blazer 4x4, 4-door in order to get some cash to buy a used FZ1. The blue book on my blazer is between $4100 and $3800. I have seen some 2002-2005 FZ1's in the Socal area selling for $3000 - $4500 so I am in the ballpark I think.

Anyone need to sell the bike to get a bigger family vehicle?

Send me an email at
matt dot klure at gmail dot com or call me at

The vehicle has 218k miles but is in near perfect shape. Everything works, AC, power windows and door locks. Starts fine, runs great, has a small oil leak but does not need oil added between changes, nothing but mobil 1 synthetic for the past 100K miles.

I want an FZ1 for a commuter bike.

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