Motrax allycators and flash it relay


Well-Known Member
So, I decided to swap out the huge standard indies with some good looking Motrax allycators. Just for the record there were 2 red wires and a black one. I joined the 2 red wires then spliced with adjoining wirage
Although the indicators work fine they do flash very very rapidly, this I was expecting so, I got hold of a Motrax flash it relay for yamaha (assuming the wiring is the same all models) which I needed.
Anyway, proceeded to remove the old relay and replaced with the new one and now the indies dont flash at all! They just stay lit up. WTF
Having read up to see if anyone else has had issues with these, there was a thread on another forum, not yamaha one that said occasionally the relay wires are crossed over and to switch round the black and red wires accordingly. Figuring it would only blow a fuse I tried it, nothing at all, not lit or flashing or anything really. The only thing that happened is it blew a fuse but weirdly it wasn't the signal fuse but rather the tail light fuse instead!.

Has anyone any ideas of what is going off or how I can sort this out? Could it be possible that the relay is buggered?

Please bare in mind I am by no means electronically minded, basic is me really haha
I just installed a flasher relay from speed metal specific to yamaha. Plug and play cost 20.00. I got mine through cycle gear I'm sure you can find them else were. If the blinkers worked with the original flasher just at a high rate I would say the new flasher is suspect.