Like to keep things the way they are?


Stihl Loves Trees
It has recently come to my attention that some of the features used here on the forum are up for subscription renewal.

We have been fortunate enough to be able to ride on the coat tails of the sister FZ6 forum, but it is time for us to quit crawling and learn how to walk.

There are memberships available that go towards maintenance of this site, as well as provide equipment in the event of a meltdown. All of this does not come free.

If you are able to, please sign up for a membership that gives increased benefits, but more to the point, allows the day-to-day operations to continue as you presently use them.

If you would like to subscribe, CLICK HERE

Though it is not mandatory, it is MUCH appreciated.

Way to go people! :D Good call Adam!

I also have a PayPal subscription for Dennis that sends $5 a week. It's for all three (now 4) FZ model forums. It isn't a lot but if more and more can afford to do this, it pays the bills.

Here's the VERY cool thing... Dennis doesn't take the profits and run like certain OTHER forum owners. Dennis pays the bills and with what is left, gives back to the forum! Over at the FZ6 sister site, he buys cool stuff with the excess money that came in and you can win it. Currently, on the block over there, is a NIB Zumo 660 that will be purchased for the winner in the country they live in to be sure the correct maps are included.

Give and you just may receive!
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If you do not wish to have an Elite/Premium status, there is a donation tab at the bottom of the home page where you can make a donation of your choosing.

The chat software is currently what funds would be directed to.

However, since this is a community forum, it does not mean that ideas/suggestions from members can not be reviewed and incorporated into the present design to make the overall experience better.

As Eric stated, there is the potential for some pretty cool things to be returned to the membership with increased participation!

Thanks to all up to this point!
Just did it

Well I figured it was time since this is my preffered forum. Best group as far as I'm concerned.:tup:

That was Easy.
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Ok, you guys talked me into it :D Seriously I've been meaning to do this for a while now and just keep putting it off. Elite Member it is!