Important Security Warning


Please take some time today and change your password for hotmail, gmail, yahoo.

Microsoft has confirmed that thousands of Windows Live accounts have been compromised with their passwords posted online.

Gmail and Yahoo are also affected by the compromise. Change all of your passwords NOW!

Some does and don'ts:

* Do change your passwords on a regular basis (every six months or so)
* Do use long complex pass-phrases rather than passwords where you can
* Do change all of your passwords if you notice something suspicious
* Do take identity theft seriously
* Do use up-to-date anti-virus and a firewall
* Do NOT click on links in emails, ever
* Do NOT use the same password at multiple sites

Thank You

Phishing scammers leak Windows Live Hotmail passwords to web | MX Logic
I just finished changing my passwords on not only my mail accounts, but also a good idea on all OTHER accounts regardless... Credit cards, bank, mail, all the forums.... :D