Helmet Audio System

Okay, so since there was no bites on just the speakers . . .

Full Helmet Audio System!





So, 2nd Gen iPod Shuffle + Iasus HS24 Speakers

$65.00 Shipped
did something VERY similar on my helmet... it works like a CHAMP... and speakers are infinitely better than earbuds of ANY kind.

If this doesn't sell soon, I'll buy it for my wife's helmet...
I tried a pm on this awhile back, no luck. Anyhow, it's a nice reference piece for doing a similar set-up. I'd like some sound on longer rides but I totally hate the idea of sticking ear buds in and having them block out all of the road noises, I feel better having a sense of what's going on around me, as well as enjoying the engine sounds a bit. Ear buds block too much out for my liking.
fwiw I use those exact speakers in my helmet . ya, they rock . I run a coil cord down to my inside breast pocket and in the cord is a volume thumb wheel to adjust on the fly.