FZ1 owner in Boise, Idaho


Well-Known Member
What's up?

Just picked up an 03 Silver FZ1 in damn near PERFECT condition with 14k miles with a yoshi system, ivans jet kit and eliminator kit for an even $3k. I LOVE the bike. Been on quite a few bikes and this is by far the best! I may actually be able to keep this one for more than a few months.

Live in Boise, ID and ride year round. Hopefully some people on here can answer any questions I have and hook me up with some parts if needed. I'll try to be as much help as I can. :sport12:

Here is the new baby.




That is indeed a beauty Andrew. Welcome to the forum. Let me say that I thought I had a great deal on my bike, but 3k for an 03' with 14k on the clock! Thats great! Good luck with your new ride. Your gonna enjoy the hell out of it for sure. :welcome:
Welcome and as Billy said that is one heck of a deal you got on that bike. You can probably ride it for a year and then turn around and sell it for what you paid.
Holy shamolies.

Are you very very very short???

That thing is lowered like WHOA.... If you're not insanely short .... like... under 5'1" ... I'd get that puppy back to stock height quick, fast, and in a hurry.

Other than that.... looks nice.... one note though... it's a Yosh Slip-On... not "system" ...

Any ideas on why the fairing was replaced?
My bad on not being specific. I'm 5'9" and flat foot on it. It's a good heighth as is. He put it down on the left side with no damage with the exception of the left cover. He replaced the plastics after having it inspected at the dealership.
I'm 5'9" have a corbin seat (Which speads the legs and makes it harder to touch) and have a Penske 8983 with the rear raised 3/4" ... Front forks showing 7mm above the upper tree....

I'd recommend trying it at stock height... just my .02... take it or leave it...

I LOVE the look of the fairing with no stickers on it... I've done that a few times on mine... and I'm about to do it again... I love the way people walk up and have NO idea what it is.... I tell them all it's a 500cc Scooter....

Congrats on the new ride... you got one helluva deal!
This one has the stock seat to my knowledge. The damned thing is sooo comfy to me so I don't see myself replacing. The position is great for me as well. So far the only thing I would want to change RIGHT NOW would be the front and back blinkers because they're really huge. Besides that the bike will stay as is for a while. Winter is here so it will give a lil more time to work on it. I'm excited for the possibilities on this one. I will just need the money after paying off some stuff!
Thanks! Hope to see ya out there. Chilling this winter of course but as soon as the warmer weather picks up again I'll be hitting up Lowman/Stanley/Emmett/HSB/IC every weekend and during the week when I can! Gotta love Idaho.
WELCOME to the forum Andrew. You have a very good looking "03" there and a good price to boot. I guess you could call it three for three. Anyway, the FZ1 is truely a bike that can do everything pretty darned well. I took mine from northern Michigan to Lake Havasu and back covering mainly secondary roads, including a big part of the higher elevations in Colorado last summer. It never missed a beat. Treat it well and it will reciprocate. I kept the stock signals on my bike because I want the cage in front of and behind me to know my intensions, but there are some really good ones out there that are quite a bit smaller that still have very good illumination. Later I'll post some I got for my Goldwing that are very bright and were very inexpensive.
You bought a nice bike, and at a very good price. I bought a silver 2005 FZ1 with 7K miles in late July, but I did have to pay a little more for it.

I am amazed at how fast and how far your Boise State Bronco Football team has come is such a short time. It seems like just a few years ago that they were playing in 1-AA. Except for my own Western Michigan Broncos, the Boise State Broncos are my favorite team. GO BRONCOS! (Both Broncos)