45 Rising to 79

I swear spring is in the air! The low this AM when I left on my trusty steed was a very comfortable 45 degrees. Just cool enough to wake me up quickly. It should be up to about 79 degrees this afternoon when I leave the office at 3:00. In Houston we may have a few more cool days but there is pretty much no chance of any more temps below freezing.

I do not commute anywhere near as much as some of you. Sometimes I wish I could. There were many days this week just as good as today. Alas I usually only commute on Fridays for two reasons. 1.) Friday is blue jean day at this fairly casual law office. 2.) I have carpooled with a buddy for going on 10 years and that works out very well for me. ...and for him.
ahhhh shaddup.

I woke up to everything covered in a solid layer of ice... again.... even the ground was a layer of ice... so much ice in fact, that the gravel driveway was a solid sheet of slippery... so much came down, that it filled in the cracks between the rocks and made it one solid sheet. ... .. Drove the CRV this morning, and in taking my wife to work had to drive no faster than 10mph because the car was getting no traction. ....

79.... bastard.
We get so little snow and cool weather here that we actually do crave it. If anyone in the future would like to do a house swap sometime for a vacation let me know.

We have Galveston island an hour away. Moody Gardens on the island is a must see. Nice aviation museum next to it too. NASA and Space Center Houston (great for kiddos) are about 45 minutes away. If you ensure your insurance covers it, you could even ride my FZ1 through the Sam Houston National forest north of town.

.... of course you have to feed the dogs while you are there. :)
This too will pass but even here in sunny Lake Havasu it's been rain and wind like I've never seen. We were out driving yesterday along the California side of the Colorado and got caught behind a overflowing wash and not even the truckers were going through it. We stood still for at least an hour before the water subsided enough to go through the six inches of flowing water. If I had been on the bike I'd still be out in the desert. CRAZY weather laterly.
On the road myself, and he temperature swung from 70 to 45 in literally 3 miles. Thought we were going tk be in store for a winter tornado, similar tk the one that rolled through Canton, TX.

In Amarillo right now, and does not look good for the final push thru the East Mts. in Albuquerque.