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  1. GeoffTee

    Had an off!

    Sorry about pics, uploaded from my phone so not sure what happened. I will be putting my Leo Vince can on it today, and as soon as I can get one a tail tidy. Can't stand the ugly piece of plastic stuck on the rear end. Would like a lower cowl, but that's about it cosmetically. Would like to do...
  2. GeoffTee

    Had an off!

    Well it's taken almost 9 weeks and many arguments with insurance companies, but I picked up my replacement bike yesterday. I really missed my Fazer so it's nice to have one in the garage again.
  3. GeoffTee

    Had an off!

    Just put a deposit on this one!
  4. GeoffTee

    Had an off!

    Just a quick update. My hand is still wired and plastered, but that comes off next week. Hopefully wont be too long before I can ride again. Bike is a write off, so I'm looking at a blue and White FZ1S tomorrow to replace it. Same age and milage as mine, but this is an ABS model. I'll be...
  5. GeoffTee

    Had an off!

    Thanks everyone. I actually feel a little better now!
  6. GeoffTee

    Had an off!

    I was surprised when the shop told me it looked like a write off. At such slow speed I really didn't think there would be much damage. Hopefully I'll find out for definite this week and then at least I can either start looking for a replacement, or look forward to getting it fixed. Feeling...
  7. GeoffTee

    Had an off!

    Not sure on brand, they were already on the bike when I bought it. Obviously not worth buying so I will have a look which brand they are and update the post. Couldn't agree more. I never have and never will ride without full gear on. It just can't be worth the risk.
  8. GeoffTee

    Had an off!

    I did have bungs on, but the damn thing snapped of as soon at it hit the Tarmac. Was wearing Frank Thomas XTI2 gear, which did a fantastic job. Other that my thumb there is not a mark on me. Very impressed and will be buying the same gear when I'm fixed. Had a Shoei XR1100 lid which didn't...
  9. GeoffTee

    Had an off!

    Thanks. I will ride both and make a decision. I would have kept the FZ long term had I not crashed it, but think it may be an opportunity for a change. Although the Z will have to be extremely good to tempt me away from another Fazer. Would like a smoother gearbox but apart from that have...
  10. GeoffTee

    Had an off!

    Absolutely gutted! Turning left at a roundabout and down I went. Can't have have been doing more than 25. Was on brand new tyres, but wasn't pushing it. Think I hit something slippy and once it started to slide that was it. Bike looks like a write off. It hit the road pretty hard and has...
  11. GeoffTee

    New member welcome thread...

    Hi Everyone, My name is Geoff and I'm an LGV driving instructor from North Devon, England. I have been riding on the road for 12 years, but long before that off road. My latest bike was a 98 FZS 600. I needed a cheap bike to go in the back of the truck, but couldn't put up with it anymore so...
  12. GeoffTee

    First FZ1

    Just bought my first FZ1 which after 12 years of riding is my first big bike. It's a 10 plate FZ1S with 3000 miles on the clock and a Leo Vinci GP pro exhaust. Think I'm going to enjoy this summer!