Recent content by Enzo

  1. Enzo

    Pics of my '08 FZ1

    Congrats on the pics - Yam doesn't do any better on their websites!
  2. Enzo

    Franko's FZ1, Before and After

    Come on, there are still loads to spend on!! :p Jolly good job on the exhaust bracket. Can you send the ref details of your "stealth" rim stripes?
  3. Enzo

    Hello from Singapore

    Hi all, I'm Sylvain, frenchie FZ1S rider living in Singapore (South-East Asia, right on the equator, and not in China as many think!). Been enjoying FZ1 for two years now after FZ6, CB400 and ER-5... Singapore might not be the best place for riding (small island, nice roads but few corners...
  4. Enzo

    Quick lunch and no wheely

    You want to do a quick lunch on your litter bike? Sounds like fast food... :retard: