Another Top Saddlery seat! :D


As some of you know, I bought a bargain bin TS seat some time ago. Well, it wasn't "quite" right because it pushed the boys into the tank with no room to move. So, I struck a deal with Norm who bought my seat and I custom ordered one that suited my bigger arse. Norm, you see, is a man of smaller stature and is in very good shape for his age! I, on the other hand, can loose 1/3rd of Norm's weight and still weigh more than he does! ;)

This one was ordered with all matching materials, blue piping and stitching and outline rather than solid letters. The KEY thing about this seat is I ordered the LONG option which puts less padding behind that FZ1 stitching and allows me more space in the riders seat area. I've only ridden it for three short rides but hope to cover some ground on Saturday as it's supposed to be great weather here in New England.

So, please forgive me for the bike appearing dirty. It was last rode home in the rain and it is covered in sawdust as I was in the garage working on my latest remodeling project for the house.




That really looks great Eric. Do you know how Norm is liking his saddle? I can't wait to hear how it goes on some longer rides. Let us know.


It's the best seat I have ever sat on for a motorcycle. It's all day comfortable and I love the way it secures me in place on the bike without being too tight. The stock seat was killing me on the FZ1 in particular because, as we all know, the FZ1 has outstanding acceleration and brakes and we all love to take advantage of that. The shearing forces that resulted from that was killing my behind. As Eric said, it is absolutely essential that you order it for your size and I think with Eric's experience with the company he can guide you to the right order if you're interested. BTW, if you haven't met Eric he is by no means fat. He's got a solid build compared to my skinny arse. So order it accordingly. I held off ordering one for my FZ6 and then the FZ1 because I have this thing about ordering online from France. No good reason, just an unfounded prejudice really. Well, actually it probably had something to do with the unusually cold reception from the citizens when I visited there.
Is there a web site I can go to to check these out?

Their site doesn't do much for a gallery and the ordering process isn't great, but as Norm stated, I'm a three time customer and can help guide you should you want to go that route. The best site is right here... I have plenty of pics and can also take more as can Norm. :D But, their site is Top Sellerie, sellerie moto

They aren't cheap, about the same as a Corbin, but they are worth every single penny. I've sat on the Corbin and ridden an FZ6 Corbin and I was far from impressed! It has been, by far, the most functional improvement I have made to the bike. After getting the first one from them, I won't ride a stock seat on ANY bike for long without getting a new TS seat!

Norm said:
BTW, if you haven't met Eric he is by no means fat. He's got a solid build compared to my skinny arse.

:Rockon: You are too kind Bro! :icon_beer:

Eric it looks great! How does it feel so far? And by the way, you ain't heavy, you're my brother...

Thus far, it's only been three short commutes. What are you doing Saturday? ;) Wanna go on a leave peeping cycle tour and take lots of pics? I'll talk to Michele and see if I can get her to peel away for the day or a good portion of it.

Guess I'll have to wash all the sawdust off the bike, eh?
:Rockon: You are too kind Bro! :icon_beer:

Thus far, it's only been three short commutes. What are you doing Saturday? ;) Wanna go on a leave peeping cycle tour and take lots of pics? I'll talk to Michele and see if I can get her to peel away for the day or a good portion of it.

Guess I'll have to wash all the sawdust off the bike, eh?

I think Saturday is good so far.
Eric, how much did it cost you in the end with all the seat pan exchange, shipping and crap?

Custom order, borrowed pan and return shipping was a $496 total. Norm and I split the cost difference between the original set I ordered from the bargain bin and the new set, so for each of us to sit comfortably on TS seats, it was $440 each. But, yours will run about $490 +/- $25 based on whatever the exchange rates are the day your order.

If you do the borrowed seat, I'd suggest shipping them your originals as soon as the new ones arrive. ;)
Eric, have you had time to try the seat out? Wondering how you like it. I still love mine.

Yes! I've put about 230 miles on it thus far, the longest being here to Manchester on the back roads and then home from there over back roads. I had no issues at all, the boys have room, no standing and positioning... love it!!!

I rode today, tomorrow looks like rain all day but the rest of the week, I'll be on the bike. The new FirstGear TPG jacket is really incredible! :D
Requested pics from another member. :D

Here you go Bandit. :D Hope these help!

Here's a couple with the ruler as measurements.



Here's a few with me sitting on the seat.



One I'm SURE you really don't want to see but.... to show there is a little room... :eek:


These next two show that while it is a bit firm, the rear of the seat does compress a bit when you sit back against it.



Here's two profile shots.

