Rear-sets different brands

Doing a quick search produced three different rear-sets for the Generation 1 FZ. There were 'Sato's, 'Gilles', and 'Rizoma's. Of the three, they were at different levels asthetically from the Sato's looking slightly 'generic', to the Rizoma's and of course all their stuff, usually artwork. All are nice and have the 'look', but in real world, I was hoping that some of you had real world experiance with the different types or brands, and could tell us what you liked or disliked....did it 'catch' on your heel or did the something-or-other push your foot at an akward angle .....what ever thing that you noticed when you used the various types. With a nice set of Clip-ons and which-ever of the rear-sets were the best, it would make for a nice roadburner. Of course there were different price levels, from cheapest to most expensive Sato, Gilles, and Rizoma respectivly. Are there any others out there for the Generation one?or 2 for that matter?
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Rizoma for Gen 1 doesn't exist anymore... there are several other brands available for Gen II.... I went with Gilles for my Gen 1 because the Sato's relocate the shifter rod to the outside of the frame... and I'm not a fan of that.

If you can use the genII set,there are 10 or more options,here in italy.. when I buyed mine set, rizoma was black and silver only and I decided for only black parts on yellow,and only gold on black.. so at the end I chose 4-racing set that works perfectly for my drive style..someone can think that are to much racing and I know is it true,but I cose it after 6 differents views and it is what I want!! 320€...very easy to put on. The only difficoult was the gears command stand that are not made to pass trough the chassis hole..but with a little more work...